Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh Sweet Success!!!

Carson has not exactly slept through the night since he was born and he is 7 1/2 months old!!! He does sleep 8-8:30 but he is up once or twice a night to eat. Last night he did get up at 2:30 AM but he didn't have to eat. I put him back in his bed and he slept until 8:30. So no food from 8-8:30 yay!! I know it is not exactly sleeping through the night but at least we are a little closer. Here are some recent pictures of Carson. He is also holding his own bottle which is nice as well.


Unknown said...

wow. my heart goes out to you, Michelle. I guess we ought to count our blessings. though most of the time Gwen gets up 1-2 times every night, she has slept completely straight from 9:30-8:30 3 times. I'm glad for you that Carson is making progress!

Erin Davis said...

Yeah for sleep! He is such a handsome boy!

Ashley said...

I love the pics!! I'm glad that he can finally hold his own bottle. Just think, you are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with the whole sleeping through the night thing and I will just be getting started once again!!!

Ellen said...

Just don't EVER feed him in the night now that you know he can go without it. In a few days he'll break the habbit of waking up in the night! (Not that I'm some expert, but that's what I did...) Good luck and just know this: Once you go to a full night's sleep, you REALLY REALLY REALLY can't go back to waking up several times a night! It kills you! :)

Heide Gentry-Kemp said...

Hey!!! Your little boy is getting so big and so dang cute! I love to see him grow cause that means that my little guy is getting so big too. Hope that all is well, fill me in on everything.

DJ and Kristin said...

He is getting so big, What a cutie. I love that little facial expression!! Hope all is well!!

Amy Jane said...

he is soooo cute! and yay for progress!!

Prosper 1st Primary said...

What a cutie! I love that kid. Some day Michelle...someday hopefully soon we will be able to say our boys sleep through the night :)

{Layla} said...

He is such a cute Michelle!!!