Friday, August 12, 2011

Hospital Picts

Now that Sophie is almost three months old I feel like I am able to have a little more free time at night so hopefully I can get things caught up. I wish I would have gotten pictures with everyone that came to visit us at the hospital, but I did not. Please forgive. Hopefully I got one of you later if I missed. Anyway here are some pictures of Sophie's first few days in the hospital. It seems like a distant memory in some ways.
I for one don't mind being at the hospital. It is really nice to have someone there to check on you and your baby. I definitely took advantage of the nursery while we were there and loved that option. My recovery this time was a lot better! I only had one lortab and the rest of the pain medication was much milder. Though I was feeling ok I opted to stay the full 48 hours.

Sophie is so sweet and small. It is hard to believe that babies can come out so little. I am trying to cherish every day because I know how quickly she will grow.
Carson was really cute and the hospital he just kept giving Sophie kisses. Then about five minutes into the visit she was old news. He mostly just ignored her for the first two weeks which was fine by me!


Marie said...

congratulations, Michelle, on baby number 2, she is so beautiful. and you look so gorgeous in the hospital pictures, holy cow you never would know you just had a baby! i hope you guys are doing well!!

Ashley said...

Michelle, she is so beautiful!!! Congrats!!! Hope Carson is being a good big brother! Can't wait to meet her!

Emily J. said...

She is adorable. Glad everything went well for you! Carson is a handsome little dude too!!!

Hey, It's me...Jessica said...

You are gorgeous friend!
So is that new baby girl!


Joni said...

She is a cutie! Congratulations!